Abc fast

Abc fast

Cartoni animati per imparare alcuni elementi fonetici della lingua inglese. Per utenti di tutte le età e livelli.

Dalla presentazione del sito: As a child struggling to learn to read, I was overwhelmed by the terminology of diphthongs, homonyms, synonyms and similes. And while my patient mother could tell me each word I didn’t know, I would struggle with frustration until she’d decided I’d made sufficient effort. There’s a better way, I thought.  ABC Fast Phonics has come about because my husband and I share the philosophy that learning shouldn’t be so hard and is most effective when easy. Therefore this program presents only the basics of phonics, including rules for vowels, consonants, and blends along with practice pages.

Young children and other beginning readers of all ages can navigate the site just by using the hand buttons, although we recommend teacher or parent help to learn the shortcut menus at the top of the page.

Happy learning!

Carol Moore”

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