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On line activities and games for kids (by grade and topic). From the website: Starfall Education Foundation is a publicly supported nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3). We create free and low-cost experiences whereby children can successfully learn through exploration. On the Starfall website and in Starfall classrooms, children have fun while learning in an environment of collaboration, wonderment, and play. We teach through positive reinforcement to ensure children become confident, intrinsically motivated, and successful. Starfall’s founder Stephen Schutz never forgot his childhood…

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Making books

Making books

Making books with children: free activities and resources. From the website: Welcome to makingbooks.com! I hope you’ll take time to explore its many offerings and visit often. There are directions for eight books in the Free Projects section in English and Spanish along with a tour of my collection of books from around the world.  The Teachers and Families pages are chock full of information to make it easy for you to make books with your children at home and…

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Mes English

Mes English

Risorse didattiche di diverso tipo (flashcard, giochi…) liberamente scaricabili. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “Welcome to MES English, Resources for Teachers of Young Learners. All of the resources are designed to be versatile and useful across a broad spectrum of ages and levels. This site hosts:  flashcards, worksheets and handouts to match, phonics worksheets, classroom games, projects, and other activities all ready for printing. MES-English.com is a site containing actual resources, made by myself to be downloaded and used today. This page is…

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