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Autore: wp_11461090

3D Bay

3D Bay

3D Bay: free 3D images. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “The world’s largest free 3D image collection is at your service! Select from our wide range of high-quality, royalty-free 3D images & create your design projects with ease. All images are free for commercial use & requires no attribution. Categories: business/finance, covid, design/development, education, entertainment, environment, food/restaurant, health/wellness, innovation/creation, life, marketing/communication, media/social media. Almost 30 large collections available”. Disponibile anche un utilissimo motore di ricerca interno per individuare rapidamente la…

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TeacherLed. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “This site is designed to provide teachers with access to free high quality teaching resources for use on Interactive Whiteboards. In line with the title of this site all of the manipulative-style resources on it are designed to help the teacher lead the lesson. They do not attempt to provide any instruction. Their purpose is to allow the teacher to explain, demonstrate and provide examples to further the students’ understanding of the lesson. By not…

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Scuola Oltre

Scuola Oltre

Scuola Oltre. Dalla presentazione del sito web: ” L’Associazione “Scuola Oltre” intende promuovere, frutto di una lettura delle finalità istituzionali, definite a livello ministeriale, attraverso le lenti valoriali del suo Manifesto, strumento promotore di una didattica laboratoriale e inclusiva volta alla realizzazione del sé personale. (…) Alla luce di tutto questo, le nostre formazioni intendono valorizzare una didattica attiva. Cerchiamo di predisporre, insieme a voi, percorsi formativi dove i contenuti favoriscono l’acquisizione di competenze attraverso esperienze concrete, laboratoriali, compiti di…

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BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English

Dalla presentazione del sito web: “As part of the BBC World Service, BBC Learning English has been teaching English to global audiences since 1943, offering free audio, video and text materials to learners around the world. From our mobile English courses in Bangladesh and Latin America to our online offer for millions of Chinese learners, BBC Learning English provides multimedia English language teaching materials to meet learners’ needs. Many of our materials are delivered as full length courses but each…

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