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Experiments with Google – the Pyramids of Meroë

Experiments with Google – the Pyramids of Meroë

Dalla presentazione di questa web app di Google: “Over 200 pyramids were constructed in Meroë, the third and final capital of the Kushite Kingdom, an ancient African civilization that ruled the lands of Nubia for over 3000 years. Now you can take a virtual walk through the Pyramids of Meroë and explore the inscriptions using Street View’s panoramic imagery. You can also learn more about the Kushite Kingdom, their royalty and the architecture behind the pyramids in an immersive web…

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Dalla presentazione del sito web: “In 2004, Alan and Lisa started new jobs as public school teachers in New Jersey. Like many teachers, they were excited to share the joys of education with their classrooms. Unfortunately, like many teachers, they quickly discovered that finding quality resources to help students succeed was a challenge, and that the school’s budget was stretched too thin to purchase new learning software to supplement their lesson plans. The free online options weren’t a good choice,…

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La finestra sull’albero

La finestra sull’albero

Sito web della maestra Michela Secchi, che rende disponibili (in gran parte in modo gratuito) molti dei materiali  da lei stessa creati e che possono essere scaricati. Si tratta di risorse ben fatte ed utilizzabili nella pratica didattica quotidiana. Oltre a materiali la collega mette a disposizione alcune esperienze didattiche, narrate nel dettaglio, su diverse tematiche disciplinari. Le discipline considerate sono: matematica, scienze, arte e immagine, informatica, italiano educazione fisica, didattiche delle nuove tecnologie, materie alternative. Il materiale è organizzato,…

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Happy Learning English

Happy Learning English

Dalla presentazione di questo canale Youtube utilizzabile nell’insegnamento della lingua Inglese nella scuola primaria (e che rende disponibile parecchio materiale utilizzabile per un approccio di tipo CLIL):” Happy Learning is a new channel with educational videos for kids of all ages, in which parents, teachers and students can find complementary contents to their own curricular ones. We educate by entertaining, we teach in a fun way and open the gates for our children to discover the wonderful world of knowledge,…

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