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Il Disinformatico

Il Disinformatico

Raccolta ragionata ed aggiornata delle maggiori “bufale” informatiche che girano, tramite mail, in Rete. Un blog di Paolo Attivissimo, giornalista informatico, che dispone (ben indicati sulla homepage del sito) di un canale YouTube (con  filmati che smascherano bufale e teorie complottiste), di un account Twitter ed Instagram. Vengono dedicati spazio ed attenzione anche a tematiche di sicurezza informatica “pratica”. Il Disinformatico è anche una trasmissione della Radiotelevisione Svizzera, condotta da Paolo Attivissimo insieme a Royy Nervi: sul sito vengono linkati…

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Top tools for learning

Top tools for learning

Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies: recensite diverse risorse/piattaforme disponibili gratuitamente (in lingua inglese) per l’apprendimento. From the website: “Since 2007, I Jane Hart, have been compiling an annual Top Tools for Learning List from the results of an open survey. These Top Tools lists now constitute an important and interesting longitudinal study not just into the popularity of tools for learning but into learning behaviour itself. Learning professionals (and others in related areas) are invited to nominate their Top 10 (digital) tools…

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School Tube

School Tube

The place for students and teachers to share educational videos on line. From the website: “Educators, Schools, and Districts are choosing SchoolTube because it is the best COPPA/ADA compliant Video Hosting, Creation and Sharing Platform for K12 Classrooms and Distance Learning environments. Schools that are members of the SchoolTube community have access to: Unlimited User Accounts Unlimited Uploads & Viewing Unlimited Personalized Channels Video Creation and Editing Tools … and Much More!” https://www.schooltube.com/ Views: 3

Teacher Tube

Teacher Tube

From the website: “After beta testing for almost two months, TeacherTube officially launched on March 6, 2007. Our goal is to provide an online community for sharing instructional videos. We seek to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners. It is a site to provide anytime, anywhere professional development with teachers teaching teachers. As well, it is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order…

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