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Categoria: The English Corner

Questa sezione è dedicata a link ed esperienze riguardanti l’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria, esperienze sia italiane che internazionali. In molti casi, anche in Italia, esistono docenti ed esperienze poco note ma di una certa rilevanza didattica che solo il web può amplificare, diffondendone la conoscenza.

Board games maker

Board games maker

Free board game templates with images, text or both to use as resources for lessons, lesson plans and printable materials for English classes. From the website: “Free board game templates with images, text or both  to use as resources for lessons, lesson plans and printable materials for English classes.  The board game maker is a worksheet wizard that allows you to create boardgames on any theme with your choice of 1000+ pictures. You can select a board with all images,…

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Abc fast phonics.com

Abc fast phonics.com

Cartoni animati per imparare alcuni elementi fonetici della lingua inglese. Per utenti di tutte le età e livelli. Dalla presentazione del sito: As a child struggling to learn to read, I was overwhelmed by the terminology of diphthongs, homonyms, synonyms and similes. And while my patient mother could tell me each word I didn’t know, I would struggle with frustration until she’d decided I’d made sufficient effort. There’s a better way, I thought.  ABC Fast Phonics has come about because my…

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