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Categoria: The English Corner

Questa sezione è dedicata a link ed esperienze riguardanti l’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria, esperienze sia italiane che internazionali. In molti casi, anche in Italia, esistono docenti ed esperienze poco note ma di una certa rilevanza didattica che solo il web può amplificare, diffondendone la conoscenza.

Squigly’s playhouse

Squigly’s playhouse

Squigly’s playhouse:  games, crafts, jokes, pencil puzzles, colouring pix, brain teasers, writing corner, seasons and holidays, postcards. From the website: “You’ll find lots of fun activities for kids of all ages. We have tons of free online games, brain teasers, jokes & riddles, and puzzles! Try our free printable coloring pages and pencil puzzles, craft ideas, and more. Squigly’s Playhouse is a fun and safe place for kids to play and learn. Use our activities at home or in the…

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The EFL Playhouse

The EFL Playhouse

The EFL Playhouse offers a world of resources for teachers of young English Language Learners . From the website: “The EFL Playhouse offers a world of resources for teachers of young English Language Learners (ELLs). Browse The EFL Playhouse collections of educational games, songs, fingerplays, action rhymes, craft ideas, printable materials, tongue twisters, and more. Borrow the ideas that meet the needs of your ESL/EFL students. Then, help The EFL Playhouse grow as an ELL resource site and help fellow TESOL teachers the world over by taking time to submit…

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Songs for teaching

Songs for teaching

On line songs and Lyrics for teaching English as a second language. From the website:   “At SongsForTeaching.com, we listen to all of the music we recommend, selecting music that we hope you (and your students!) will find enjoyable and educationally useful.  Whenever possible, we try to offer printable lyrics and teaching tips. We realize that musical tastes vary and that the title of a song may not accurately reflect its ability to meet your educational needs, so we strongly…

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