Zaac English
Corso di lingua inglese per bambini (con risorse free a disposizione del navigatore). Views: 8
Questa sezione è dedicata a link ed esperienze riguardanti l’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria, esperienze sia italiane che internazionali. In molti casi, anche in Italia, esistono docenti ed esperienze poco note ma di una certa rilevanza didattica che solo il web può amplificare, diffondendone la conoscenza.
Corso di lingua inglese per bambini (con risorse free a disposizione del navigatore). Views: 8
Sito del National Council of Teacher of English, con risorse suddivise per fascia di età. Dalla presentazione del sito: “NCTE is where literacy educators find their professional home. Through collaboration and community, shared stories and shared experiences, NCTE supports teachers and their students in classrooms, on college campuses, and in online learning environments. For more than 100 years, NCTE has worked with its members to offer journals, publications, and resources; to further the voice and expertise of educators as advocates…
English Club, a site to help you learn English or teach English as a second language. From the website: Welcome to EnglishClub, a free website designed to help you learn English online. It’s your club, where you can: make your own English page with blogs, photos, videos, music, groups and friends test your level in English and get help with English grammar study English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation play English games and do English quizzes online chat in English with other students and teachers find schools where you can learn English at home or abroad find penpals for English…
Lanternfish: worksheets, flashcards and other resources for the ESL and TEFL Teacher. From the website: “Lanternfish ESL is maintained by a group of ESL teachers in Asia and North America. Our aim is to bring printable quality resources to teachers and parents. (…) Lanternfish grants all users an end user license: You may use any resource, including photocopies, for the purpose of teaching and distribution to your classes. You may not redistribute them, electronically or otherwise, in any other form,…