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Categoria: The English Corner

Questa sezione è dedicata a link ed esperienze riguardanti l’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria, esperienze sia italiane che internazionali. In molti casi, anche in Italia, esistono docenti ed esperienze poco note ma di una certa rilevanza didattica che solo il web può amplificare, diffondendone la conoscenza.

Homework elephant

Homework elephant

From the website: “HomeWork Elephant – your first stop for internet resources to help complete your homework assignments. Carefully selected resources to assist with your homework problems! If you know what you are looking for check out the resources available for each subject. We have collected quality resources that cover curriculum related material. Maybe you wanted to use the (now famous) Agony Elephant service? We have experts in Maths, Physics, English, Music, Biology and Geography, and Agony Elephant for History and General…

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Britain Express

Britain Express

Your guide to English culture and history – what makes England so English! From the website: “Britain Express was begun in 1996 as a labour of love by committed anglophile David Ross, aided by enthusiastic volunteer assistance. Somewhat like Dr. Frankenstein’s little experiment, things grew, and took on a life of their own, until today, when, to the best of our knowledge, Britain Express is one of the largest non-government sources of information about the UK. Though we’re often flattered…

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Using English.com

Using English.com

Sito con attività per l’apprendimento della lingua inglese (target: adulti). Dalla presentazione del sito: “UsingEnglish.com is a general English language site, specialising in ESL (English as a Second Language) with a wide range of resources for learners and teachers of English, and has been running since the beginning of 2002. Different varieties of English are used; there are contributors from the United States, Canada, Pakistan and non-native speakers, but much of the site uses British English as it was set…

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First school

First school

Sito (in lingua inglese) con risorse free utilizzabili nella didattica quotidiana. Nato per la scuola dell’infanzia, le risorse possono essere adattate per attività nella scuola primaria. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “Preschool Themes and Lesson Plans. Come and visit the preschool themes and lesson plans below to find fun early childhood activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten. The lesson plans include a list of materials needed, easy-to-follow instructions, crafts, printable activities, activity worksheets, coloring pages and related resources. Start having…

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