DLTK’s Crafts for Kids

DLTK’s Crafts for Kids

DLTK’s Crafts for Kids (Growing together). Dalla descrizione del sito web: “DLTK’s Crafts for Kids features a variety of printable children’s crafts, coloring pages, worksheets and activities including projects for holidays, educational themes and some of our children’s favorite cartoon characters. DLTK’s is a family run website focused on crafts and activities for children. I’m Leanne, mom of two girls and I love all things crafty. My husband, Darren, has always been supportive of my passion for sharing my ideas. ”. Le risorse didattiche disponibili (gratuite) sono suddivise dalla homepage per categorie ed è disponibile anche un utile motore di ricerca interno (motore di ricerca basato sulla classica tecnologia Google).

Growing together

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