English for Kids
English for Kids – English resources for kids and teachers. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “This is a site for kids learning English filled with fun activities, games, songs and worksheets that can help them with their English. This is also a resource site for English teachers. We offer tons of free, ready-to-print teaching materials, as well as language resources to use online”.
Le sezioni del sito suddividono le risorse gratuite in: vocabulary (“Picture dictionaries, word games, printables for introducing young learners to basic English vocabulary grouped into 36 thematic topics), grammar (“online lessons, exercises, printable worksheets that can help children develop their grammar skills”), expressions (“lessons, activities, printables that can help kids learn and practise basic English expressions used in simple communication in a fun way”), english fun (“ABC animals, songs for learning English, activities to celebrate holidays”), printables (“Links to our pages filled with worksheets, flashcards and classroom games to download and print”).
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