Learning chocolate

Learning chocolate

Sito web in lingua inglese ricco di risorse per l’insegnamento della lingua inglese, suddiviso per livelli ed argomenti.

From the website: “Welcome to Learning Chocolate! Our site is designed to help you memorize English (both US & UK!), Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin), German or Spanish vocabulary in an easy, fun way that really works. All the exercises use pictures, sounds, and games to make learning a new language as fun as enjoying a piece of chocolate!

To get started, choose your language preferences. Then choose any vocabulary topic link from the homepage to start learning new words. After reviewing the vocabulary, you can play up to 5 fun games to see what you memorized! The first 3 are matching games to help your memory. They will help you match the new word to its meaning with pictures or its pronunciation. This is much more fun than long, boring vocabulary lists! The other 2 games help you learn to spell the new words so that you can read and write them in your new language, too”.


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