Primary resources
Software in lingua inglese per bambini di libero download (oltre che essere fruibili on line). Si tratta di semplici giochi didattici in formato flash (se fruiti on line) o eseguibili (per la fruizione off-line). Alcuni di questi sono utilizzabili anche per un approccio CLIL alla matematica.
Dalla presentazione del sito: “This page contains many of the Flash resources we have featured on the site over the years. The ‘swf’ (online) versions are no longer supported by many web browsers and devices. Downloadable, standalone versions of many of the activities are provided here for teachers who still wish to use these resources. These programs are provided ‘as is’ without warranty or support of any kind and are not guaranteed to work with specific operating systems. Please take suitable care when downloading & using programs, such as running & scanning with up-to-date security/anti-virus software.”
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