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Tag: didattica

Planet Pop by ELT Songs

Planet Pop by ELT Songs

Planet Pop by ELT Songs. Dalla presentazione di questo canale Youtube utilizzabile nell’insegnamento della lingua Inglese nella scuola primaria:”Go to planetpop.com for advert free access to all videos, and MUCH more! Learn English with amazing songs! Made in Oxford Aligned to the Cambridge English: Young Learners. Give your kids a voice. 350+ fun lessons with music videos, karaokes, and student activities. 1000+ new vocabulary words and phrases. Join millions of viewers Don’t forget to follow us on all social media…

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Table Test

Table Test

Table Test. Dalla presentazione di questo semplice ma interessante sito web: “Tablestest è un sito web dove puoi imparare le tabelline di moltiplicazione by reading, repeating but also by playing”. Il sito web propone le attività suddivise per livelli e, previa registrazione, può tenere traccia sia degli errori che del tempo impiegato per rispondere alle domande proposte dalla piattaforma. E’ possibile scegliere una tabellina ben precisa ed anche scaricare/stampare del materiale sempre attinente all’argomento. Table Test Views: 18



Dalla presentazione del sito web: “World Time Buddy (WTB) is a convenient world clock, a time zone converter, and an online meeting scheduler. It’s one of the best online productivity tools for those often finding themselves traveling, in flights, in online meetings or just calling friends and family abroad. Carefully thought out design lets it effortlessly compare multiple time zones at a glance, plan conference calls, webinars, international phone calls and web meetings. It also aids with business travel &…

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Jenny White: ESL Games and Teaching Tips

Jenny White: ESL Games and Teaching Tips

Dalla presentazione di questo canale Youtube: “Welcome to ESL Games and Teaching Tips with Jenny White! This channel is for ESL teachers looking for new vocabulary and grammar games. It features videos with teaching tips, ESL games, songs and other exciting classroom activities. You can also find here ideas for using drama and TPR activities as well as games for kindergarten. I hope you will find it useful for improving your English language teaching. You can buy and download my…

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