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Tag: didattica digitale

Printables for kids

Printables for kids

Sito web che rende disponibili risorse di diversa tipologia da utilizzare nell’insegnamento: clip art, schede didattiche, flashcards e molto altro. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “KIZCLUB provides lots of FREE learning resources for preschool and elementary age children. This website is full of worksheets, flashcards, clip arts, and other printable resources:  ABC’S, PHONICS, TOPICS, STORIES & PROPS, RHYMES & SONGS, CRAFTS,  FLASHCARDS, TEACHING EXTRAS. If you are a teacher, use my materials as your teaching resources. Parents can also print…

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CC Search

CC Search

“CC Search is a tool that allows openly licensed and public domain works to be discovered and used by everyone. CC Search searches across more than 300 million images from open repositories. It goes beyond simple search to aggregate results across multiple public repositories into a single catalog, and facilitates reuse through features like machine-generated tags and one-click attribution”. A cross-browser extension, which lets you search for and filter content that is under Creative Commons licenses, is available for the…

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Sito web personale di una docente di scuola primaria della provincia di Bologna. Questa collega rende disponibili diverse risorse ed esperienze, tra le quali software didattici e diverse risorse grafiche. Dalla presentazione del sito: “Insegno matematica e discipline scientifiche ormai da molti anni nella scuola elementare e in questo momento ho una seconda di 23 deliziosi “demonietti”. Nella mia scuola, che si trova in provincia di Bologna, mi chiamano spesso “Annaronca” o anche “Lannaronca” e questo mi diverte molto! Un…

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Giochi con tecnologia flash o installabili per diverse discipline. In lingua inglese. Dalla presentazione del sito: “SEN Teacher ( Free Special Needs Teaching Resources Since 1999) amongst the oldest teaching resource sites and has over 300,000 regular users. Our learning materials are free to share and use in schools or at home. The Print tools on SEN Teacher allow you to create, adapt and share teaching resources for a wide-range of abilities. No login or registration is required to use SEN Teacher”. https://www.senteacher.org/Files/…

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