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Tag: didattica digitale

School Express

School Express

Sito web in lingua inglese con a schede didattiche gratuitamente scaricabili, oltre a giochi e diverse altre attività. Possibile anche creare le proprie schede didattiche on line con un tool apposito. From the website: “Welcome to SchoolExpress. We offer numerous FREE items – 19,000+ worksheets, create worksheets, funtime games, online math, and more. SchoolExpress has a variety of educational materials. We have lots of FREE items. Teachers, homeschooling families, parents, children, and grandparents use our site”. http://www.schoolexpress.com/index.php Views: 7



Cbeebies: sito web degli omonimi personaggi della BBC con diverse proposte per attività, ludiche e didattiche. https://global.cbeebies.com/ Views: 13



Sito web con ampia disponibilità di flashcards gratuite. From the website: “I created this site back in 2006 to make — and then share — easy-to-print flash cards in all the sizes I needed for different types of class activities.Well, it’s 2015 and language teachers and tutors around the world are still using these cards, so I thought it was time to spruce up the site. I hope you like the new design! Here you’ll find flashcard sets for teaching…

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