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Tag: formazione docenti

Language Learning & Technology

Language Learning & Technology

A refereed journal for second and foreign language scholars and educators. From the website: “Language Learning & Technology (LLT) is a fully-refereed, open journal which has been published exclusively online since July 1997. Published triannually (February, June, and October), the journal seeks to disseminate research to foreign and second language educators on issues related to technology and language education. The focus of LLT is not technology per se, but rather issues related to language learning and language teaching, and how…

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Audio English

Audio English

Risorse audio on line per lo studio (e la pronuncia) della lingua inglese (la sezione linkata riguarda il livello “beginners”). Utile per la formazione/aggiornamento adulti (docenti). Dalla presentazione del sito web: “Want to learn English?Want to improve your British or American English pronunciation and speak like a native? AudioEnglish.org has all the English learning resources you need, from Practical English to Telephone English and Accounting English, all with audio. (…) Except where indicated this Web Site and its contents and the copyright in…

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Fun easy English

Fun easy English

Pagine web che contengono risorse di diverso tipo per l’apprendimento della lingua inglese (soprattutto inglese americano), adatto soprattutto per adulti (docenti). Dalla presentazione del sito web: Fun Easy English means: fun lessons that will hopefully keep you interested in learning English….You can do it!!!!Easy lessons to make sure you can learn English in the easiest way possible. English lessons in the English language, of course.I began making Fun Easy English back in 2003 and since then it has grown to be one…

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On line ESL Quizzes

On line ESL Quizzes

Quiz utili per l’insegnamento di una lingua straniera (per apprendenti adulti) disponibili liberamente on line. http://www.1-language.com/eslquizzes/index.htm Views: 11