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Tag: giochi didattici on line

Sheppard software

Sheppard software

Sheppard software – dalla presentazione del sito web: “At our educational website, we have hundreds of free, online, learning games for kids. But anyone interested in online learning can use our site -we have so many subjects – (geography, math, animals, science, language arts, creative activities, health) and lots of levels for all abilities – loads of games and activities for learners of any age (…) We create content and games for our website with these goals: 1) To add…

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Minecraft education

Minecraft education

Dalla presentazione del sito web che propone la versione “educational” della nota piattaforma ludica Minecraft:” Minecraft: Education Edition is an immersive game-based learning platform that drives creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving. Educators in more than 150 countries use Minecraft across the curriculum!”  Sito in lingua inglese che rende disponibili, oltre alla piattaforma in quanto tale, oltre 500 esempi di lezioni già utilizzabili, oltre ad una community di utilizzatori che possono rappresentare un utile supporto ai docenti interessati a proporre questa esperienza con…

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