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Tag: inglese

Biblioteca delle risorse

Biblioteca delle risorse

Biblioteca delle risorse: sito della collega Paola Cirelli. Il sito è diviso in diverse sale, da esplorare per le diverse materie: la sala dei laboratori di scrittura, sala dedicata ai laboratori di morfologia e sintassi, sala dei laboratori di geografia, sala dedicata agli strumenti compensativi e di ausilio per studiare e ripassare, giochi didattici, aiuto allo studio, italiano come L2. Costruito con Genially, si tratta di un interessante sito che propone diverse risorse (e modelli) utili all’insegnamento. Biblioteca delle risorse…

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Tubequizard.com. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “What is TubeQuizard? TubeQuizard lets you create interactive listening quizzes based on subtitled Youtube videos. Boost your listening skills. Do you want to understand top frequency expressions and grammar? Using research into listening skills, we’ve created highly effective listening quizzes that will train you to understand real life pronunciation of high frequency language. Understand Youtube videos. Is there a Youtube video that you want to understand better? Create quizzes for the video, do the…

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Dalla descrizione del sito web: “We’re proud to create educational resources that can be used at each step of a child’s learning journey. Our teacher-created resources provide entire schemes of work, lesson planning and assessments right through to online educational games, augmented reality and so much more. We have over 525,000 resources and new content gets added every day. You’ll find we’ve normally got what you need before you even know you want it. Everything we do supports the global…

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Happy Learning English

Happy Learning English

Dalla presentazione del canale YouTube Happy Learning English: “Happy Learning is a new channel with educational videos for kids of all ages, in which parents, teachers and students can find complementary contents to their own curricular ones. We educate by entertaining, we teach in a fun way and open the gates for our children to discover the wonderful world of knowledge, helping them grow their curiosity and desire to learn”. Materiali interessanti, soprattutto per un possibile utilizzo in modalità CLIL….

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