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Tag: risorse didattiche digitali

Explore with Perseverance

Explore with Perseverance

Dalla presentazione del sito web: “Explore with Perseverance puts you on Mars next to NASA’s Perseverance, to see what the rover sees as it explores. You can select images right from this 3D interactive or from the list view. As the rover explores Mars, the images it takes are mapped onto the terrain to fill in the picture of the Jezero Crater landing site. This experience uses imagery from Perseverance rover cameras including its Navcams, Hazcams, and Mastcam-Z. Additional data…

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Dalla presentazione del sito web: “London Teach è un progetto a cura del Gruppo Editoriale Il Capitello e del Gruppo di Ricerca e Sperimentazione Didattica Archimedes. Grazie alla nostra esperienza pluriennale nel campo dell’editoria scolastica per la Scuola Primaria e per la Scuola dell’Infanzia, e in quello della formazione docenti, abbiamo voluto offrire agli insegnanti di lingua inglese risorse didattiche semplici e pronte da utilizzare per strutturare in modo creativo ed efficace il lavoro in classe”. E’ possibile collaborare, da…

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STEM learning

STEM learning

Stem Learning – Curated primary resources. Dalla presentazione del sito web:”At STEM Learning, our commitment to STEM education is part of everything we do. Whether that’s delivering teacher CPD (continuing professional development) in STEM subjects, bringing STEM role models into schools as part of the STEM Ambassador Programme or providing bespoke, long-term support for groups of schools in collaboration with companies through our ENTHUSE Partnerships, our aim is always the same – to provide a world-leading STEM education for all…

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Science4fun – dalla presentazione del sito web: “Science4Fun is an educational website for kids and teens. Its goal is to provides interesting content for different science subjects. We hope you will enjoy learning on Science4Fun and will explore many new things. All the articles on Science4Fun are written after a research on a particular topic from multiple sources including Internet and books. These are articles are then sent to many readers for fact verification and proofreading. All the articles on…

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