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Tag: risorse didattiche



Sito ricchissimo di disegni da colorare, oltre a diverse altre risorse per bambini, tutte utilizzabili nella didattica. I disegni da colorare sono delle bellissime clipart, originali e vicine al gusto dei bambini. Il sito è suddiviso in diverse sezioni, tra le quali ricordiamo: spazio fumetti, teoria del colore, clipart. Sito da non perdere assolutamente e da inserire nei propri bookmark e da consultare periodicamente. Ringrazio personalmente il webmaster Sebastiano per aver messo a disposizione molte immagini che sono state utilizzate…

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Air and Space

Air and Space

From the website: “Bring the wonder of Air and Space to life through videos, hands on activities, games, and more. We have something for every learner. Our learning resources bring the National Air and Space Museum’s one-of-a-kind collections and world class research to you, anywhere and anytime. Explore aerodynamics through hands on activities, discover the science behind spy planes, earthquakes or volcanoes. The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum maintains the world’s largest and most significant collection of aviation and space…

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Sito in lingua inglese che suggerisce diversi esperimenti scientifici partendo anche da materiali “poveri”. From the website: “Located in San Francisco, California, the Exploratorium is a public learning laboratory exploring the world through science, art, and human perception. Our mission is to create inquiry-based experiences that transform learning worldwide. Our vision is a world where people think for themselves and can confidently ask questions, question answers, and understand the world around them. We value lifelong learning and teaching, curiosity and inquiry,…

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Kids Sites

Kids Sites

Raccolta di materiali e links utili per l’insegnamento (ma anche solamente per divertirsi) in lingua inglese. From the website: “Founded in San Jose, California on February 18, 1997, KidSites.com is among the oldest sites for kids on the Internet. Since 1997, KidSites’ primary mission has remained the same; to find and provide reviews for the best sites for kids on the Internet, and bring them together in one convenient location for our visitors. (…) Before a site can be listed on…

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