Free Kids Crafts
Daily crafts for kids. Views: 8
Daily crafts for kids. Views: 8
Risorse didattiche di diverso tipo (flashcard, giochi…) liberamente scaricabili. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “Welcome to MES English, Resources for Teachers of Young Learners. All of the resources are designed to be versatile and useful across a broad spectrum of ages and levels. This site hosts: flashcards, worksheets and handouts to match, phonics worksheets, classroom games, projects, and other activities all ready for printing. is a site containing actual resources, made by myself to be downloaded and used today. This page is…
Giochi on line gratuiti (anche in Inglese) per bambini della primaria. Possibile utilizzo didattico per diversi di questi. Dalla presentazione del sito: “Giochi gratis per bambini INGLESE. Puoi trovare anche giochi in flash didattici (matematica, logica, geografia, inglese) e giochi gratis di puro divertimento: BEN 10, cartoni animati, Gormiti, Hello Kitty, Winx, Winnie the Pooh, Avatar, Era glaciale,truccare le modelle, arredare meravigliose camerette, memoria, Bratz, gare di auto e di moto, fantastici puzzle, disegni da colorare on line, giochi strapparisate e creare…
Activities and crafts for children. Many topics. From the website: “ChildFun has been the leader in educational resources for parents, teachers, child care providers for more than 15 years and during that time we have worked on adding new articles, activities, crafts and interactive features to make your experience here a better one. We hope you can find something here to help you become a better parent, teacher, friend and more. Use the menu above or our search page to…