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Tag: scuola primaria

Scotland Schools

Scotland Schools

Sito web “Scotland Education” della BBC: giochi on line ed altre risorse per gli insegnanti. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/ Views: 6

Coloring book fun

Coloring book fun

Sito web che rende disponibile materiale stampabile liberamente ed utilizzabile durante le attività didattiche (coloritura ma non solo…). Dalla presentazione del sito web: “There’s no better cure for cabin fever than printing and coloring our free coloring pages for kids. We have over 10,000 free coloring pages that you can print at home. We’ve added over 2,000 new Coloring Pages and organized them by calendar so it’s easier to find what you want! Check out all the brand new Valentine…

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National Geographic

National Geographic

Sito in inglese del National Geographic rivolto ai bambini, con giochi on line, risorse di diverso tipo (video, attività…). Utili risorse per un approccio CLIL. Dalla presentazione del sito: “National Geographic has been igniting the explorer in all of us for 132 years through groundbreaking storytelling from the best and brightest scientists, explorers, photographers, and filmmakers in the world. Our yellow border serves as a portal to explore the farthest reaches of the Earth and beyond. Places only National Geographic…

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