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Tag: scuola primaria

Lantern Fish

Lantern Fish

Lanternfish: worksheets, flashcards and other resources for the ESL and TEFL Teacher. From the website: “Lanternfish ESL is maintained by a group of ESL teachers in Asia and North America. Our aim is to bring printable quality resources to teachers and parents. (…) Lanternfish grants all users an end user license: You may use any resource, including photocopies, for the purpose of teaching and distribution to your classes. You may not redistribute them, electronically or otherwise, in any other form,…

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Many Things

Many Things

Attività on line per l’apprendimento della lingua inglese (giochi, video). Diversi i livelli previsti (sezioni adatte anche per la scuola primaria). Dalla presentazione del sito web: “This web site is for people studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer assisted language learning activities. Even though the primary focus is for ESL, native English speakers may also find some interesting…

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First school

First school

Sito (in lingua inglese) con risorse free utilizzabili nella didattica quotidiana. Nato per la scuola dell’infanzia, le risorse possono essere adattate per attività nella scuola primaria. Dalla presentazione del sito web: “Preschool Themes and Lesson Plans. Come and visit the preschool themes and lesson plans below to find fun early childhood activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten. The lesson plans include a list of materials needed, easy-to-follow instructions, crafts, printable activities, activity worksheets, coloring pages and related resources. Start having…

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Earth’s Kids

Earth’s Kids

Giochi ed attività in lingua inglese per bambini, attività focalizzate soprattutto sulle scienze e sull’ambiente. Dalla presentazione del sito web: at Earth’s Kids we believe that children are our future. Their creativity, values, and choices will shape our society and create waves of impact that may some day be felt all over the planet — perhaps for centuries to come. It’s up to us help them make that impact a positive one. We work with children, directly and through the…

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