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Tag: video

Teacher Tube

Teacher Tube

From the website: “After beta testing for almost two months, TeacherTube officially launched on March 6, 2007. Our goal is to provide an online community for sharing instructional videos. We seek to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners. It is a site to provide anytime, anywhere professional development with teachers teaching teachers. As well, it is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order…

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ESL Videos

ESL Videos

Free quizzes, lessons and online conversation classes for English language learners. For adults learners. By levels and topics. https://www.eslvideo.com/index.php Views: 5

Teaching jazz chants

Teaching jazz chants

Teaching jazz chants. Interessantissimo video esplicativo di Carolyn Graham, autrice famosa di cd rom e testi attinenti a questo argomento. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_nPUuPryCs Views: 5

MES ESL Videos

MES ESL Videos

Canale YouTube con video didattici per l’insegnamento della lingua inglese. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsk2YjL60hEWj2xS1AVJopA Views: 4