Tune into English

Tune into English

Tune into English: centinaia di canzoni in lingua inglese per un karaoke on line.

Dalla presentazione del sito web: “The songs on Tune Into English are all taken from www.youtube.com. Some are new, some are old, some are the original videos and some have only the music track. All of them, however, have the lyrics, so click on your favourite song and sing along – it’s great fun, and excellent practice for your English. (…) Tune Into English was created in 2005 by Fergal Kavanagh. He is both a Teacher Trainer and a one-time Radio DJ, and has taught in the Scuola Superiore and at the British Council and the University “L’Orientale” in Napoli, also collaborating with the Regione Campania. He has co-written a coursebook for the Italian, Spanish and Greek lower secondary school and conducted teacher training sessions throughout Italy, as well as in Germany, Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Ireland.

Over 13,000 songs online!”


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