Web learning tube

Web learning tube

Web Learning Tube:  giochi ed esercitazioni on line su diversi argomenti (animali, famiglia, numeri, scuola,  professioni, vestiti, parti del corpo…) sull’originale schema dei diversi percorsi della metropolitana londinese.

Dalla presentazione del sito: This site has been developed and maintained by the Spanish Secondary English teacher Isabel Pérez Torres. I started with it as a way of motivating my own students. I do not get any money from this and the site is funded by myself and that will be the case as far as I can manage.

The experience can be summarised on the one hand as the result of researching and making use of the materials from the Internet , and on the other, of designing and developing of resources and materials to be published on the Web. All this in a main context of Secundary Education, although the site can also be useful in other levels (primary and higher education) and languages”.


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